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How to Choose Your Area

This note is reprinted from my flomo app.

The Importance of a Field: It is the foundation of personal success, requiring continuous improvement and a willingness to take on responsibilities.

The Challenge of PKM (Personal Knowledge Management): Choosing your own field.

The Difficulties in Choosing a Field:

  1. The “One-Size-Fits-All” Mentality: Focusing solely on “standard answers” while ignoring your inner desires.
  2. Greed: Attempting to learn everything but mastering nothing.
  3. Inertia: Failing to make timely changes in outdated fields.

Principles for Choosing a Field: Be honest with yourself and set your course based on your own stars, not the lights of past ships.

  1. Have a passionate commitment to your field, regardless of the rewards.
  2. Focus on creation rather than consumption in your field.

Source: What knowledge to accumulate